Jr’s BJJ

Monday & Wednesday: 5:15 – 5:50 pm

Class Description: Anti Bullying

Through effective self-defense mechanisms, we instill the confidence projected to allow kids to defuse confrontations before they escalate, and how to protect and defend themselves in the event they are attacked. 

Bullying is the #1 social issue and epidemic in schools today, and it has ripple effects throughout our community.

  • Every 7 minutes a child is bullied in the US
  • Every month, 3 million children miss school due to fear of bullying
  • 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying
  • 1 out of 10 students drop out of school due to repeated bullying
  • 70% of students believe schools respond poorly to bullying and that adult help is infrequent